What Is Balance Transfer In Credit Card

What Is Balance Transfer In Credit Card

Hello Arkana friends! Are you someone who has accumulated a lot of credit card debt and is struggling to make payments on time? If yes, then balance transfer may be a suitable option for you.

What is Balance Transfer?

Balance transfer is a process of transferring your existing credit card balance to another credit card with a lower interest rate. This process is done to save money on high-interest rates and to make it easier to pay off the debt.

How Does Balance Transfer Work?

The process of balance transfer involves transferring the balance of one credit card to another credit card with a lower interest rate. Often, credit card companies provide a promotional offer of 0% APR for balance transfers for a certain period of time. During the promotional period, you won’t have to pay any interest on the transferred balance.

Benefits of Balance Transfer:

There are several benefits of a balance transfer in credit cards, such as:

1. Lower Interest Rates:

Balance transfer allows you to save money on high-interest rates. Transferring your existing balance to a new credit card with a lower interest rate can reduce the amount of interest you’ll have to pay over time.

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2. Easier to Pay Off Debt:

Balance transfer can make it easier to pay off your credit card debt. By reducing the amount of interest you have to pay, you can focus on paying off your balance faster.

3. Helps Improve Credit Score:

Balance transfer can help improve your credit score. By making timely payments and reducing your overall debt, you can improve your credit score over time.

4. Consolidates Debt:

Balance transfer allows you to consolidate your debt into one monthly payment. By consolidating your debt, you can keep track of your payments and work towards paying off your balance faster.

Things to Consider Before Balance Transfer:

Before choosing the option of balance transfer, there are several things you should consider, such as:

1. Balance Transfer Fees:

Make sure to check for balance transfer fees before transferring your balance. Most credit card companies charge a balance transfer fee, which could range from 3 to 5 percent of the total balance.

2. Promotional Period:

Make sure to check the duration of the promotional period. Often, credit card companies provide a promotional offer for six months to one year.

3. Credit Score:

Your credit score plays an important role in determining whether you are eligible for balance transfer or not. Most credit card companies require a good credit score to qualify for the balance transfer.

4. Payment Plan:

Make sure to have a payment plan before choosing the option of balance transfer. You’ll need to make timely payments to avoid any additional interest or fees.


Balance transfer in credit cards is an effective way to save money on high-interest rates and pay off your debt faster. However, before choosing the option of balance transfer, make sure to consider all the factors involved and have a solid payment plan in place.

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