Web Based Helpdesk Software

Hello Arkana Friends! Get Organized with Web Based Helpdesk Software


Are you tired of managing customer requests through scattered emails and phone calls? Have you ever missed out on important client inquiries or couldn’t track the progress of your team members? If you’re nodding your head, then web-based helpdesk software is your solution!

What is Web Based Helpdesk Software?

Web-based helpdesk software is a tool that assists customer support teams in managing email, phone calls, and support tickets in one central location. It provides transparency and accountability for customer requests, allowing for better communication and faster issue resolution.

Benefits of Web Based Helpdesk Software

Here are some of the benefits of using web-based helpdesk software:

  • Efficiency: With all customer requests organized in one place, it’s easier to manage and respond to issues promptly.
  • Collaboration: It promotes teamwork through shared access to customer issues and real-time updates.
  • Tracking: You can track customer requests and monitor the progress of team members, so you don’t miss any crucial details.
  • Reports: Generate reports to get insights on your customer support performance, including response time and issue resolution rate.
  • 24/7 availability: Customers can access the software at any time, and receive a timely response, even after business hours.
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Features of Web Based Helpdesk Software

Some of the features that you can find in web-based helpdesk software are:

  • Ticket management: Organize customer requests in one central location.
  • Email integration: Track email communication and convert them into support tickets within the software.
  • Knowledge Base: A library of information that customers can access and find solutions for frequently asked questions.
  • SLA Management: Set up service level agreements to ensure timely resolution of customer issues.
  • Reporting: Generate reports on team performance and customer satisfaction levels.

Examples of Web Based Helpdesk Software

There are various web-based helpdesk software available in the market, here are some of the popular ones:

  • Zendesk
  • Desk.com
  • HappyFox
  • Help Scout
  • Freshdesk


Investing in web-based helpdesk software is a wise decision for businesses of all sizes. It improves customer satisfaction, increases team efficiency, and provides valuable insights into customer support performance. Choose the software that best suits your business needs and start organizing your customer support operations today!

Thank You, Arkana Friends!

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