Database In Recovery Pending

Hello Arkana Friends! Here’s What You Need to Know About “Database In Recovery Pending”

If you’re a database administrator, you’ve probably encountered the “Database In Recovery Pending” error message at some point. This error message appears when the SQL Server database is unable to complete or start the recovery process. In this article, we’ll explain what this error message means, its causes, and how to fix it.

What Causes “Database In Recovery Pending” Error?

There are several reasons why you might encounter the “Database In Recovery Pending” error message. Some of the most common causes include:

  • System errors or crashes that prevent your database from establishing a connection to the server
  • Database corruption or hardware issues
  • Incomplete restore operations
  • An incomplete transaction log backup

How to Diagnose the Problem

When you encounter the “Database In Recovery Pending” error message, there are several steps you can take to diagnose the problem. First, check the SQL Server error log to see if there any related errors or warnings. You can also try to connect to the database using SQL Server Management Studio or other tools. If the database is inaccessible, it may need to be restored from a backup.

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How to Fix “Database In Recovery Pending” Error

The solution to this error message depends on the root cause. Here are some methods you can try:

Restart the SQL Server

Restarting the SQL Server instance might help resolve the “Database In Recovery Pending” error message in some cases. To restart the SQL Server instance, open the SQL Server Configuration Manager, right-click the SQL Server instance, and choose Restart.

Restore the Database from the Latest Backup

If the database has been corrupted or damaged, restoring it from the latest backup might help. Make sure to use a full database backup, and not just a transaction log backup. Also, verify the backup file before restoring it to ensure its integrity.

Complete the Incomplete Restore Operation

If the database is stuck in recovery mode due to an incomplete restore operation, you can complete the operation by using either the SQL Server Management Studio or T-SQL commands. You may need to specify the WITH RECOVERY option in the T-SQL command.

Check Physical Hardware

In some cases, the “Database In Recovery Pending” error message might be caused by physical hardware issues, such as damaged hard drives or problems with the RAID array. Check the physical hardware to ensure that it’s functioning properly.


Encountering the “Database In Recovery Pending” error message can be frustrating, but with the right knowledge and tools, you can fix the problem and get your database back online. Remember to diagnose the problem carefully and follow the solutions we’ve outlined in this article. If all else fails, you can always contact a database professional or vendor for help.

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